Delivery conditions

For logistical reasons, some items in the same order may be sent separately, which means that you may receive your products in several packages. To ensure correct and prompt delivery, please double check and enter your shipping address correctly during checkout.

Please note that we are not responsible for lost packages due to an incomplete or incorrect address provided by the customer. It is important that you verify your delivery details to avoid delivery problems. At checkout, you have the option of choosing a shipping method, including the free option, which means that the product is sent from a supplier outside the country.

Our standard processing time for orders is 2-5 business days after placement. After the processing time, the estimated delivery time is 5-9 working days. These are approximate delivery times and we do not guarantee specific delivery dates.

Once your order has been processed, we will generate a tracking number and send it to you via a delivery confirmation email. If you have not received your tracking number within 5 working days, please notify us by email at including your order number.

We aim to deliver your orders as quickly as possible, but unforeseen circumstances may lead to delays, e.g. public or national holidays, natural disasters, air and ground transport strikes or other events beyond our control. If your delivery exceeds 45 working days, we offer a full refund to ensure your satisfaction.

You can be sure that we are dedicated to meeting or exceeding your delivery expectations. Our team will always make every effort to deliver your products on or before the estimated delivery date.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our delivery process, please contact us via